They are used to seeing these and, if you include a suitably stamped, self-addressed envelope when you notify them, your Deed Poll will be returned to you.

The list below will provide a starting point whilst not being exhaustive. Those organisations which either certainly or most probably will wish to see the original, or a certified copy, of your Deed Poll are in Section 1.

Those in Section 2 may accept certified copies of your Deed Poll but you are advised to check with them prior to sending out a Deed Poll, to save you wasting your time and money

Section 1

o HM Passport Office (to apply for a new passport)
o Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority (driving licence and vehicle registration document)
o HM Land Registry (if you own land or property)
o HM Revenue & Customs (for tax and National Insurance records)
o Bank
o Building Society
o Credit card companies
o Employer
o Department for Work & Pensions
o Private Pension company
o Finance companies - sometimes not
o Insurance company (ie, medical, life, endowments, motor, buildings, contents)

Section 2

o Professional bodies
o Clubs and societies
o School/college/university
o Private Health Provider
o Dentist
o Solicitor
o Optician
o Doctor
o Motoring organisations
o Utility companies (water, gas, electricity)
o Internet Service Provider
o Telephone Company - mobile telephone
o Telephone Company - fixed-line telephone
o Local authority (for council tax and electoral register)
o TV Licensing
o Organisations/companies in which you have investments
o Police / Probation Service (should you have any current or pending criminal actions against you to be heard or you are on the Sex Offenders Register. Similarly, your probation officer if you are on probation)